Ochoco Mining District Field Trip by Carrie Gordon & Derek Loeb

  • 6 Aug 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • 12


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Ochoco Mining District Field Trip

Trip Leaders:  Carrie Gordon and Derek Loeb

 Join Carrie Gordon and Derek Loeb as we explore the history, geology and environmental legacy of the Mother Lode and Blue Ridge mine sites in the Ochoco Mountains.   An overview of the following topics will be discussed:

  •  History of mining in the area including economic drivers
  •  Geologic setting and mineralization process
  •  Surviving infrastructure and the mining and processing operations
  •  Environmental legacy including remediation and reclamation

Trip starts and ends at the Ochoco Ranger Station (24 miles east of Prineville) Total walking distance is about a mile with no large elevation changes. This trip is limited to 12 participants. As a reminder, all participants are required to be fully vaccinated and must be a COGS member or a guest of one. Ride sharing is voluntary but is encouraged due to limited parking. 

Central Oregon Geoscience Society

Email: COGeoSoc@gmail.com
P.O. Box 2154,  Bend, Oregon 97709

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