COGS Mission Statement

The COGS is a Central Oregon-based non-profit organization promoting a greater understanding of the geological sciences through educational outreach, technical presentations, and field trips.  COGS supports the local community by engaging the expertise and diversity of its member interests, and provides a local forum to discuss and enlighten both the public and the membership to relevant Earth science issues.


Objectives and Scope

COGS encourages a greater awareness and understanding of the geosciences through educational outreach to schools and various community groups and venues. Through lectures, technical presentations, and field trips, COGS facilitates the dissemination of current geoscience information, stimulates interest in local geology, and coordinates the interests of Society members.  Society meetings are intended to encourage networking and cooperation among members, as well as conduct Society business. 



COGS membership is open to anyone interested in the geological sciences.  COGS welcomes all those wishing to expand their knowledge and support the societies scope of activities.  

Non-Profit Status

COGS is an exempt organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).  COGS EIN: 82-5094856


Click HERE to download a copy of the bylaws.

Privacy Policy:

1. Names, addresses, phone numbers and emails are listed in our database, and this private data is available to COGS Board members for use in maintaining membership records and historical information. This information is intended solely for COGS internal affairs. It is not intended, and will not be used for, any commercial mail or email or any other commercial use. 

2. You have complete control over the data that you would like to be public and private on the membership directory profile. If you sign up for an activity, your activity leader will have access to your profile information for purposes of scheduling and in order to ensure your safety on the activity. 

3. We never sell our membership or contact list. We may partner with another organization to disseminate information that we think is relevant to you. In this case, we will send out information from our partner to you but we will not share your information directly with the partner.

4. If you have concerns about the storage of your personal information in our database, please email us at

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of COGS are elected annually by the membership for 3-year terms and consist of between 5 and 11 directors.The Board then elects officers.

      Name                                    Officer                      Committee Chair                            Term expires December 31st

Scott Wallace                          President                                                                                2026

Ron Sonnevil                       Vice-President                                                                                             2027

Roger Severson                      Secretary                                                                                                   2027

Robert Timmer                       Treasurer                      Communications                                           2025

Laurie Elliott                                                                                                                                                2026

Michael Fox        2027

Inge Fryklund                                                                                                                                            2025

Joan Fryxell  2027

Derek Loeb Field Trips 2027

Maggie McHugh                                                                 Education                                                       2025

Sage Reuter-Schmitt                                                         Membership                                                  2026

Board meetings are generally held every-other month and members are welcome to attend. Please contact the Board at to inquire about the next meeting

Where your Dues Go

COGS Logo was designed by James Verheyden,  a student majoring in Mechanical Engineering and minoring in Geology at Cal Poly. James collects rocks and is very interested in the science and formation behind them.

COGS History

The Central Oregon Geoscience Society was incorporated on March 19, 2018. The first meeting was held on March 27, 2018 at the Deschutes Brewery and Public House in downtown Bend. Click HERE to view a presentation chronicling the formation of COGS. 

Deschutes Geology Club...a bit of history provided by Bob Jensen.

In early 1934, a Civil Works Administration class in geology was held in Bend. On May 14, 1934, many of those who had been in the class met to form a local geology club and officers were elected. At the next meeting, the matter of selecting a name for the club came up and, due to the prominent part the river through Bend has had in local history, the name Deschutes Geology Club was chosen. The first field trip of the club was on May 20, 1934, into the Pony Butte area of Jefferson County. Through the years many trips were taken including Crater Lake (1936), Lake Abert (1950), Painted Hills (1950), and Lava Butte (1961). In addition the club also hosted other geology groups, such as the Geological Society Oregon Country, while they were in the area. Also for at least three years beginning in 1957 the club sponsored the Central Oregon Gem and Mineral Show as part of the Mirror Pond Pageant on the 4th of July. Many club members were “rockhounds” but also interested in how the landscape was formed.

Club meetings always included a program which ranged from a presentation by a club member to a visiting scientist, such as Norman Peterson of DOGAMI who did a slide show to illustrate his "High Lava Plains" story. Meetings were advertised and open to the public. A search for “Deschutes Geology Club” will turn up a variety of articles about club activities.

Central Oregon Geoscience Society

P.O. Box 2154,  Bend, Oregon 97709

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